In honor of Halloween create a Holiday Marketing Calendar. Actually this should be incorporated into your regular marketing calendar but color-code it so the holiday’s jump out at you. People’s ears perk up when a holiday is mentioned. This can be especially good if you can plan a promotion of some type around the holiday. In […]
Have you set aside time to constantly and consistently share your message? Do you tweet, post to Facebook or to your blog? Do you record and share videos? Are you doing it on a regular basis? If not, it could be because you haven’t set aside time to do so. Pull out that calendar and […]
Pull up your calendar right now. Pick a time when you can spend one hour this week studying a marketing principle. If this is your first time then plan on the first 15 minutes being a time you can choose what you are going to study. The other 45 min will be spent studying it. […]
What is the most often heard suggestion or complaint I hear from my clients? What can I do to address this complaint and turn it into a positive? Who knows you might even be able to turn this “problem” into another stream of income for the company?
Pick out one marketing piece you see today and study it. Billboards, newspaper, online ads, social media, junk mail piece, etc. Who placed the ad? Who are they trying to reach? What message are they using to reach them? Will this strategy help you reach your audience/clients? If so, how can you adapt it for […]
It’s Saturday! For many people this is the day they get to do something for themselves. They have worked all week and today they get to make their own decisions. Cater to them. Ask yourself… “where will your ideal customers or clients be today and what will they be doing? Once you determine this you […]
Can you post a message on Facebook? Can you take a hand written note or a flier to the neighboring businesses in your office building or an adjacent building? Can you send a simple email to a key prospect? Can you call a radio station and give a free sample to a DJ? You will […]
Who are your clients? What do you know about them? Are they the right people that absolutely want your products or services? What can you do to understand your clients better and make sure you are targeting the right people with the right needs with the right marketing message?
Do you have a dedicated budget for your marketing and advertising. Treat your business like a real business. Leave the hobby behind. Set a budget and plan that budget wisely. Use it on only the most effective ad strategies. Make sure that budget can’t be tracked and that it will bring direct responses back to you. […]
Ok, so we’re talking about a different kind of “free” than what is pictured here. We are talking about “no cost” promotion or advertising. Are there free opportunities you are overlooking you can do to build your business? Things like making phone calls, posting free ads on Craigslist, flyers, phone calls to promote word of mouth, etc. […]